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Proposal: December 7th, 2018th

Revised Proposal: January 10th, 2019

​This proposal identifies many areas where opportunities may be taken to improve the constructability, schedule and/or cost of the project. Below are summaries of the four analysis areas that will be pursued. Analysis I, Analysis II, and Analysis III are construction depths and relate to the construction of PYS Hospital, while Analysis IV is about research of a critical industry issue. 

In addition to the construction depth analyses previously discussed, two breadth analyses are required to demonstrate the integrated knowledge of the Architectural Engineering curriculum. These breadths are incorporated into the existing construction analyses and may be focused in any of the following areas: structural, mechanical, lighting/electrical, or acoustical.

Revised Proposal: February 10th, 2019

Analysis 1: Prefabrication of Bathroom Pods

The first analysis is focused on the construction of bathroom pods due to the request for high quality finished work and a tight schedule. PYS Hospital has different bathroom layouts that repeat on the first and second floors. There are 17 patient restrooms on the first floor, and 15 on the second floor. The modularization of the Pods will be constructed off site which will help improve the quality control, reduce costs and improve the schedule of the project.

Architectural Breadth

This analysis will require redesigning the bathrooms to better accommodate modularization. This involves making sure that the exterior wall to wall width of the bathrooms is within the limits for transporting the pods on a standard delivery truck (8 feet wide). Redesigning the bathrooms will involve analyzing reducing the total number of different bathroom layouts to increase productivity and decrease the design costs associated with each bathroom module. If the bathroom layout is changed, ADA requirements will need to be analyzed to make sure that the bathrooms still meet the code. It is expected that the layouts of the bathrooms can be altered to improve the efficiency of the design while still maintaining code requirements.


Analysis 2: Chiller Resize and Relocation

There is a new chiller being replaced with an old one that has been out of commission for 10+ years on the South building. A main reason for the hospital addition is to relocate the patients in the South building since the structure is failing needs to be knocked down. The construction manager on the project is now being asked to help with planning the future expansion of the hospitals campus. If they had been involved in the design process, they might have decided to resize the chiller to be able to power the future expansion of the hospital and place it on the new addition instead of on the building that is going to be demolished in the future.

Mechanical Breadth

Integrated into analysis 2, will be a mechanical breadth. Resizing the water-cooled chiller that is being replaced as an air-cooled chiller to eliminate the need for a cooling tower. It is currently being sized to be the same size it was before it became inactive and will solely run the hospital addition. Since the hospital campus is already planning on doing a lot more expanding in the future, it is a good idea to spend the extra money to increase the size of this chiller since it will be able to be used for a future building. Furthermore, since the building the chiller is being replaced on is going to be demolished, placing the new chiller on the addition will prevent having to move it off the of failing building in a few years.


Analysis 3: SIPS Implementation for Patient Floors

Similar to the how the bathrooms have similar layouts, each of the patient rooms are also repetitive. This allows the opportunity to increase the workflow and productivity of the rough-ins and finishes for the patient rooms. The SIPS schedule that is generated will be compared to the original schedule to determine what kind of savings can be achieved.


Analysis 4: Industry Issue Research – Smart

Although the project has not had any serious injuries thus far, I would like to research image tagging technology that can potentially prevent injuries on job site before they happen. This technology is able to recognize objects after seeing the object multiple times and then is able to determine whether safe practices are being followed.  For example, this artificial intelligence can be used towards workers to determine whether or not they are wearing the required PPE on the jobsite. This can potentially eliminate the need of having someone on site looking out for it.


Note: While great efforts have been taken to provide accurate and complete information on the pages of CPEP, please be aware that the information contained herewith is considered a work‐in progress for this thesis project. Modifications and changes related to the original building designs and construction methodologies for this senior thesis project are solely the interpretation of Elizabeth Dixon. Changes and discrepancies in no way imply that the original design contained errors or was flawed. Differing assumptions, code references, requirements, and methodologies have been incorporated into this thesis project; therefore, investigation results may vary from the original design.

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